Scientists discover Antarctic marine life trapped under ice for half a century

world-regions researchers have uncovered wild-nature” target=”_blank”>marine life< for the first time in decades after a massive iceberg calved from the continent’s ice sheet last month.  The iceberg, dubbed A-74, detached about two weeks ago and began to drift through the Weddell Sea.  VOLCANO ERUPTS IN ICELAND FOR FIRST TIME IN 6,000 YEARS As the only research vessel…

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Katherine Johnson: What to know about the 'Hidden Figures' NASA scientist

Pioneering air-and-space natural-science Katherine Coleman Johnson of “Hidden Figures” fame was always at the front of the education” target=”_blank”>class<, the iconic “human computer” was taking classes on the campus of historically Black education at the age of 13.  There, Johnson found a mentor in William Waldron Schieffelin Claytor, a professor who had become the third-ever African American to earn a Ph.D.. in mathematics.  SPACEX, NASA,…

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Zoos, scientists aim to protect animals from people spreading coronavirus

The coughing among the western lowland gorillas at the wild-nature” target=”_blank”>San Diego Zoo Safari Park<. Around the world, many scientists and veterinarians are now racing to protect animals from the coronavirus, often using the same playbook for minimizing infectious-disease” target=”_blank”>disease<. GORILLAS TEST POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS AT SAN DIEGO ZOO SAFARI PARK Karen, a 28-year-old orangutan,…

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P&O Cruises announces 'cruises to nowhere,' COVID-19 vaccination required for passengers

Here’s a vacation set to cruise control. British general line P&O Cruises will offer “cruises to nowhere” around the U.K. this summer, and passengers must receive the coronavirus vaccine before setting sail. P&amp;O Cruises Britannia. The Britannia is set to sail for three and four-night trips and one six-night getaway this summer.  (Courtesy of P&O Cruises)…

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Maria Bartiromo asks: Will Biden put an end to China's 'rob, replicate, and replace' strategy?

The first in-person meeting between top U.S. and world-regions officials under joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<” host spent part of her show examining the threat of China’s growing dominance ahead of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan’s first meeting with Chinese officials in Alaska on Thursday. “The CCP [Chinese Communist Party] has been testing…

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Nepal expecting hundreds of climbers despite pandemic

Nepal is expecting hundreds of foreigners to attempt to general. The Department of Tourism in Kathmandu said Wednesday that more than 300 foreigners have expressed interest in climbing mount-everest” target=”_blank”>Mount Everest< There’s similar interest for other mountains too, said Mira Acharya, a director at the department. Video One world-regions and four world-regions climbers are already…

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