Top UNC donor opposed hiring ‘1619 Project’ founder

A top UNC-Chapel Hill school of journalism donor and newspaper publisher staunchly opposed hiring controversial 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones, newly unearthed emails reveal. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette publisher Walter Hussman Jr. — for whom the school is named — argued in 2019 that the move would expose the school to a lengthy backlash. “I worry about…

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DHS Inspector General reviewing huge no-bid contract with company connected to former Biden official

EXCLUSIVE: The Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General’s office is evaluating a multi-million dollar contract awarded to a Texas company that employs a former Biden transition official, multiple sources with the probe confirm to Fox News. A DHS IG official tells Fox News the contract, with the San Antonio-based nonprofit Endeavors, is the subject of…

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Bodybuilder who wed two sex dolls is now open to dating humans

Perhaps he wants a relationships” target=”_blank”>relationship < is open to dating a human on one condition: They like his silicone a><a href="https:as well. He dropped the bombshell on the UK-based “The Dating Show” on FUBAR Radio Friday, the Daily Star reported. “I was in a real relationship in the past, about seven years,” said Yuri Tolochko, who infamously married…

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UN watchdog: Access to key Iranian data lacking since Feb 23

united-nations”>The United Nations’ atomic <hasn’t been able to access data important to monitoring conflictsconflictssince late February when the Islamic Republic started restricting international inspections of its facilities, the agency said Monday. The International Atomic Energy Agency reported in a confidential document distributed to member countries and seen by The Associated Press that it has “not…

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