California suspects arrested, released for pig's blood smeared on Derek Chauvin defense witness’ former home

Three suspects were charged and released weeks after allegedly smearing pig’s blood on a northern us-regions home previously owned by a defense witness who testified in the trial for former minneapolis-st-paul” target=”_blank”>Minneapolis< Derek Chauvin, officials announced on Wednesday.  Rowan Dalbey, 20, Kristen Aumoithe, 34, and Amber Lucas, 35, all of Santa Rosa, California, were arrested…

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Fetal Down syndrome abortions: Cotton, Hinson lead over 80 GOP lawmakers against disability discrimination

EXCLUSIVE: Two senatecongress” target=”_blank”>lawmakers< based on a fetal Down syndrome diagnosis. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-us-regions, and Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-us-regions, are leading over 80 of their colleagues in a brief defending an Arkansas law designed to protect the unborn with Down syndrome from “invidious discrimination,” according to the court filing exclusively obtained by Fox News….

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Pelosi condemns Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'verbal assault' on AOC, suggests ethics violation

House Speaker nancy-pelosi” target=”_blank”>Nancy Pelosi< and said the Republican’s “egregious” behavior may rise to the level of an ethics violation.  Two Washington Post reporters witnessed Greene, R-Ga., aggressively confront Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., outside the House chamber on Wednesday, and Pelosi said the incident was reported to her office. Pelosi called Greene’s conduct a “verbal assault” and…

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South Carolina DOE requires masks on buses after Gov. McMaster repeals school mandate

us-regions will enforce a infectious-disease mask mandate on education” target=”_blank”>school< statewide this week, the state’s Department of Education announced.  Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order Tuesday that left the decision to parents as to whether their child wore a mask to school or not, effectively ending the statewide mandate for schools.  State Superintendent of…

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Meghan McCain hits Biden's approach to Middle East violence: Support for Israel sounds like 'just words'

Co-host of “The View” meghan-mccain” target=”_blank”>Meghan McCain< Thursday over his approach to the ongoing crisis in the world-regions between world-regions and Hamas.  The lone conservative on the show discussed the violent situation with former Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman, noting that Biden’s expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself sounded like it was “just words.” …

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