Man killed in shooting at Atlanta-area country club

A shooting at an atlanta” target=”_blank”>Atlanta-area country club< crime Shenise Barner said, according to the atlanta” target=”_blank”>Atlanta< Neighbor John Lavender told WAGA-TV that he heard “five, six booms go off” and wasn’t sure whether it was gunshots or fireworks. “You just don’t think it’s gunshots in this area,” he said. The country club is near…

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IDF launches overnight airstrike on Gaza Strip for incendiary balloons

The world-regions military” target=”_blank”>military< late on Saturday against Hamas facilities after the group launched incendiary balloons from the world-regions. Fox News confirmed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck a weapons manufacturing site and a rocket launcher in response to the balloon launches. Both the site and launcher belong to Hamas, Israel claimed.  LINSDEY GRAHAM:…

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July 4 BBQs: How to avoid food-related illnesses

With many Americans readying to fire up barbeques and host cookouts in celebration of Fourth of July, a federal agency overseeing food safety has released key tips to prevent infectious-disease this holiday. According to the Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, foodborne illness can be prevented by practicing hand hygiene, using separate cutting…

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Largest teachers union says critical race theory is 'reasonable and appropriate' for kids

The country’s largest education union has moved to undermine the left-wing talking point that critical race theory is not education” target=”_blank”>taught< has approved a plan to “publicize” critical race theory and dedicate a “team of staffers” to assist union members looking to “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric.” New Business Item 39 also declares that the…

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Sen. John Cornyn: Dems' election power grab – here's how Republicans fighting partisan assaults on voting

Last month, senate” target=”_blank”>Senate<, D-N.Y., tried to ram through the Senate perverts the cause of voter access to hand one party unassailable political power. It alters the makeup of the bipartisan Federal Election Commission to give the Democratic Party an advantage. It gives political candidates federal funding to run television ads and buy yard signs….

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