This fossil could be Earth's earliest known animal

A archaeology dating back approximately 890 million years may be the oldest prehistoric wild-nature” target=”_blank”>animal<. The fossils were first discovered in world-regions Northwest Territories and new research in the scientific journal Nature posits just that.  103-MILLION-YEAR-OLD DINOSAUR FOSSIL FOUND IN OREGON Researchers said that if “millimetric-to-centimetric vermiform-microstructured organism” is the fossilized tissue of keratose sponges, “the…

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Ex-Cardinal McCarrick charged with sexually assaulting teen

BOSTON – Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was defrocked after a Vatican investigation confirmed he had sexually molested adults as well as children, has been charged with sexually assaulting a teenage boy during a wedding reception in the 1970s, court records show. Court documents obtained by The Boston Globe shows that McCarrick is charged with…

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Climate crisis ‘will be worse than COVID’: Schumer

senate” target=”_blank”>Senate<, D-N.Y., said Wednesday that the environment will be worse than the infectious-disease pandemic and that Democrats are ready to respond with “big, bold action” unlike anything the U.S. and “this world has ever seen before.” During a press conference with House Speaker nancy-pelosi” target=”_blank”>Nancy Pelosi< “This is a unique opportunity,” he said. “We are surrounded…

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Biden BLM nominee called to 'wage war on overpopulation'

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s<, the president’s nominee for BLM director, wrote an essay published by the High Country News in February 1991 after she got married on how to preserve the grizzly bear population in the U.S. Stone-Manning’s idea to help the endangered bear repopulate was to set aside land for them after our “Pyrrhic” victory…

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