Prince Charles ‘has been very hurt over the last few months’ about Prince Harry’s claims: filmmaker

personalities is allegedly troubled by his strained relationship with prince-harry” target=”_blank”>Prince Harry<,” which is expected to be released in late 2022. “I’m writing this not as the prince I was born but as the man I have become,” the Duke of Sussex, 36, said in a statement. “I’ve worn many hats over the years, both…

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Caitlyn Jenner visits US-Mexico border ahead of Newsom recall election: 'We have to finish the wall'

us-regions Republican gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner made a elections” target=”_blank”>campaign< in san-diego” target=”_blank”>San Diego County< continued to spike. “On the California / Mexico border meeting with our border patrol agents,” Jenner, a reality TV star and former Olympian, tweeted Friday. “As governor I will ensure all of our law enforcement and border patrol needs are…

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Kristi Noem: Sturgis rally in South Dakota about ‘personal choices’ over government mandates

Republican us-regions Gov. kristi-noem” target=”_blank”>Kristi Noem< – against critics who’ve asserted that her state should have scaled back or canceled its Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which draws thousands of visitors, because of concerns about the infectious-disease. FAUCI TELLS STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY ATTENDEES HEALTH CRISIS ‘SUPERSEDES’ NEED TO DO ‘WHAT YOU WANT TO’ GOV. KRISTI NOEM: I…

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Civics teacher blasts school districts weakening proficiency requirements, says kids need high standards

U.S. high school teacher Jeremy Adams fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>sounded off Friday<. Adams told “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>The Ingraham Angle< agreed, summing up the various curricula as a collective mission to make sure today’s children grow up to become “dumb and submissive,” and thereby easier for the government to handle. She pointed to the “dumbing down of America” in…

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New Jersey Dem governor jets off to Italy for vacation as coronavirus spikes in state

us-regionsGov. phil-murphy” target=”_blank”>Phil Murphy<as the delta variant of the infectious-diseasecontinued to spike in the state, across the country and in Italy.  “Listen, I’m no different than any other family,” Murphy said during a coronavirus briefing Monday. “After this past 17 months, just having a few days together is something that I think all of us…

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Leo Terrell: Biden's policy failing in 'every corner of the world'

Civil rights attorney fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Leo Terrell< for what he called a “dereliction of duty” as commander-in-chief, as the president oversees multiple crises stateside while Afghanistan remains at risk of swiftly falling to the Taliban. Terrell, hosting “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Hannity< to finish a major pipeline that will allow the Kremlin to sell and supply energy to Germany…

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Former Navy SEAL says US policy in Afghanistan has been 'like a Star Trek cosplay convention' since 2002

Blackwater founder Erik Prince fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>condemned< of Afghanistan, following orders by the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden administration<” that “half-baked politicians” in Washington are to blame for what is happening in Afghanistan. “It’s the same collection of national security elites in Washington that has failed for that entire 20 years. They took what was a brilliant victory by…

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