WHO says COVID-19 origin needs more studies as top expert's lab 'concern' made public for first time

The world-health-organization” target=”_blank”>World Health Organization’s< appears to have contradicted his February statement dismissing the infectious-disease – admitting that it was not “extremely unlikely” as the WHO said at the time, but “probable.” On Thursday, the WHO in a new statement admitted that the lab-leak was not “extremely unlikely” after all. “On review of the phase…

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Campos-Duffy to Schwarzenegger: 'I was born free … not waiting for a bodybuilder to tell me what to do'

Former California arnold-schwarzenegger” target=”_blank”>Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger<  to those who seek to terminate COVID mandates. “There is a virus here. It kills people, and the only way we prevent it is to get vaccinated, to wear masks, to do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about ‘well my freedom is…

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Rebecca Grant: Battle for Afghanistan – Taliban could be defeated by this brutal strategy

Twenty years of fighting, 2,352 American deaths and it comes down to this: can Afghanistan’s government forces pull back and hold on until the conflictsover-extends its military push? The battle isn’t looking good. Taliban offensives have taken 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 conflicts since last week.  The Afghanistan Army head was fired by Afghan President conflictson Wednesday. Ghani…

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Biden vacates DC as Afghanistan, immigration crises accelerate

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<, continuing a trip outside the nation’s capital amid spiraling crises, including a deteriorating situation in world-regions that’s been compared to the fall of Saigon.  American troops are en route to the country Friday in an attempt to help Americans there escape, even as the Department of State downplays the situation, particularly regarding…

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Stephen Miller's group accuses Biden admin of hiding docs on Supreme Court commission

FIRST ON FOX: Former donald-trump” target=”_blank”>Trump<of hiding documents on the commission looking into the idea of packing the judiciary. Fox News exclusively obtained the letter AFL sent to the administration requesting documents pertaining to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court, which Biden created in April to study issues including possibly expanding the number of…

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