COVID-19, flu ‘twindemic’ threat worries doctors: ‘Get flu shot early’

Doctors are yet again warning over the threat of a possible “twindemic,” or burdened hospitals amid converging respiratory illnesses like infectious-disease and influenza, prompting calls to receive flu shots early. Experts had issued a similar warning last summer amid soaring COVID-19 infections, citing worries over overwhelmed hospital systems by both COVID-19 and the influx of…

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Capitol Police officers sue Trump, allies over Jan. 6 riot

U.S. capitol-protests” target=”_blank”>Capito< who were attacked and beaten during the Capitol crime” target=”_blank”>riot< Two other similar cases have been filed in recent months by Democratic members of Congress. The suits allege the actions of Trump and his allies led to the violence siege of the Capitol that injured dozens of police officers, halted the certification…

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Biden briefed on Afghanistan explosions; press briefings, meeting with Israeli prime minister delayed

The Biden administration delayed or canceled several press briefings and the executive canceled a planned meeting between joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< and several dead Afghans. A meeting between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was also postponed until an undefined time Thursday. The Israeli delegation, however, headed back to its hotel so the meeting might…

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Pelosi's first tweets after Kabul bombings about Women's Equality Day

House Speaker nancy-pelosi” target=”_blank”>Nancy Pelosi<, left four U.S. Marines dead. “Today, and every day, let us summon the suffragists’ spirit of hope and strive to lift up the voices of women across the nation – because we know this truth: when women succeed, America succeeds,” Pelosi, D-Calif., tweeted about noon Thursday.  “Despite progress, women across…

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Nikki Haley, other Republicans call for Biden's resignation or impeachment after attack at Kabul airport

A long list of house-of-representatives are calling for joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< Reps. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., and Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., similarly issued strongly worded statements calling for accountability. Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said Biden was unfit to be commander in chief. “Joe Biden has blood on his hands. The buck stops with the President of the…

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