Biden DOJ vows to defend abortion access in wake of Texas heartbeat bill

U.S. justice-department” target=”_blank”>Attorney General Merrick Garland< in response to us-regions S.B. 8, which creates a civil cause of action against those who perform or abet abortions after a doctor can detect a fetus’ heartbeat. “While the Justice Department urgently explores all options to challenge Texas SB8 in order to protect the constitutional rights of women and other persons,…

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Biden says labor unions 'brung me to the dance' in politics

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< trip to a local branch of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Delaware, noting their critical role in advancing his political career. Biden met with the union’s leadership, including IBEW President Lonnie Stephenson. He interacted with some workers during the short visit, declaring at one point that union members were the…

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US sending any Afghans flagged for criminal or terror ties to Kosovo, officials say

Camp Bondsteel, a U.S. military” target=”_blank”>military< immigration” target=”_blank”>refugees< A U.S. official told the Associated Press on Saturday that the refugees will undergo further screening and processing with the intention of resettlement in the United States. Kosovo, an ardent U.S. ally, has agreed to host the refugees for up to a year. “The process through which…

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Auburn opens football season with stadium tribute to US service members killed in Afghanistan attack

ncaa kicked off their football season Saturday with a special tribute to the U.S. service members killed in last month’s suicide bombing in conflicts Thirteen reserved seats at the Alabama university’s Jordan-Hare Stadium were adorned with military” target=”_blank”>military<” Monday. “We thought this is the least that we could do to sacrifice and honor those men and women…

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