The 2021 Hess Toy Truck is a … plane?

Flying cars are the new thing, after all. The 2021 Hess truck is a cargo plane with a jet that fits inside. (Hess) The 2021 occasions Hess “truck” has been revealed and the company may have to change the name. (Hess) This year’s version of the annual toy release is a cargo plane with a…

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%&*@! Maine bans vulgar vanity license plates

Removing the flipping obscenities from license plates on us-regions‘s roads and highways isn’t going to happen overnight, even though a law banning such profanities in a state where such regulation has been unusually lax goes into effect Monday. The plate on this Ford Focus replaces the O in focus with a U. (Michele McDonald/Portland Portland…

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Bizarre 'nude' Lamborghini sold for $111,111

Talk about basic disasters. A wild custom car inspired by a low-resolution image of a Lamborghini Countach has been auctioned for $111,111. The “Lo-Res Car” was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas as a promotional vehicle for his footwear brand United Nude and represents the most basic form of the iconic supercar. The tandem two-seat…

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