Scheller, Marine who criticized Afghanistan withdrawal, sentenced to reprimand, forfeiture of $5K in pay

The military who posted videos on social media criticizing military” target=”_blank”>military< was issued a letter of reprimand and a forfeiture of $5,000 worth of pay for one month, after pleading guilty to all charges during his court-martial hearing this week.  Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. pled guilty to all six crime”>misdemeanor< The sentencing came after Scheller…

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Progressives fume as Biden Supreme Court commission seems to reject court-packing

Initial progressive reaction to draft discussion materials released by the executive presidential commission on the judiciary Thursday was not positive, as Democratic activists and commentators derided the commission for its apparent reluctance to endorse judiciary” target=”_blank”>court-packing.< Feingold said the lack of support for such proposals will result in the Supreme Court “continuing to strip away…

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Biden Supreme Court commissioners slam 'partisan' framing of draft, allege it is biased against court-packing

Some members of joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s< commission Friday railed against the framing of wide-ranging discussion materials it released Thursday night on judiciary” target=”_blank”>court-packing< “It’s framed in this partisan way of looking at this as Democrats vs. Republicans … too much of this discussion draft reinforces the assumptions of many that the justices are partisans just…

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Afghan interpreter welcomed to new North Carolina home

WEDDINGTON, N.C. – When the American military pulled out of conflicts, people in the country who once helped interpret for U.S. soldiers worried they would be left behind.  But now some interpreters are moving to the U.S. thanks to American leaders and veteran organizations. One interpreter, who goes by “Johnny,” says he and his family…

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George Takei roasts William Shatner as being an 'unfit' guinea pig

George Takei’s decades-long feud with William Shatner is rocketing into space.  The “Star Trek” actor threw enough shade at his former on-screen captain to cause an eclipse, as he dismissed Shatner’s flight this week on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin capsule and described him as “not the fittest specimen.”  “He’s boldly going where other people have gone before,”…

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5th Circuit Court grants a stay, allows Texas abortion bill to go into effect

Texas can continue banning most abortions after a federal appeals court rejected the joe-biden” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Biden< without ruling on its constitutionality. The Texas law bans abortions once cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks and before some women know they are pregnant.  Since the law took effect in early September, Texas women have sought out abortion…

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