Houston crowd crush, panic at Astroworld music fest result in at least 8 dead

At least eight people were killed in houston-and-galveston” target=”_blank”>Houston< festival began to compress near the stage area, causing a disasters” target=”_blank”>panic<, when a similar but less tragic panic occurred. BOSTON SHOOTING SENDS DINING PATRONS RUNNING FOR COVER IN ‘STAMPEDE OF PEOPLE’ WITH ‘FEAR ON THEIR FACES’ One 10-year-old child was critically injured. Officials were working…

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GOP lawmakers blast 'RINOS' after House passes $1.2T infrastructure bill: 'Time to name names'

House senate opposing the Democrats’ $1 trillion infrastructure-across-america” target=”_blank”>infrastructure< administration and ended weeks of deadlock between moderate and progressive Democrats.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., joins other Democrats on the House floor late Friday, Nov. 5, 2021, in Washington, as the House approves a $1 trillion package of road and other infrastructure projects. (House…

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Bill Maher, liberal professor clash on CRT in schools: It's 'disingenuous' to say parents oppose Black history

“Real Time” host Bill Maher had a tense exchange about critical-race-theory” target=”_blank”>critical race theory< “Like what?” Dyson asked.  “Like separating children by race,” Maher responded, “and describing them either as oppressed or oppressor. I mean, there are children coming home who feel traumatized by this. That’s what parents are objecting to.” “There are children coming…

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James O'Keefe addresses FBI raids of Project Veritas reporters over Biden daughter's 'stolen' diary

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe offered a blistering response to the reported topics raids that have been conducted against associates of the guerilla news outlet over the missing diary of joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< broke the story on Friday that Biden’s DOJ searched two locations in New York in search of a “stolen” diary that belonged…

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Will Cain blasts Biden for ignoring illegal immigration like he ignores 'pesky' press questions

“Tucker Carlson Tonight” host Will Cain condemned joe-biden”>Joe Biden< law and preventing ICE from deporting criminal illegal immigrants. WILL CAIN: The Biden administration is not just letting a record number of illegal immigrants cross our border, they are bringing them here. They are prohibiting immigration authorities from deporting them, even ones with violent criminal records. To be clear, this is against the law. Section 236c of…

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Biden administration 'took a chainsaw' to energy industry, global security: Dagen McDowell

Dagen McDowell said that joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s< Granholm laughed recently when asked about her plans to increase American oil production, saying “that is hilarious” and explaining that oil is a “global market” controlled by OPEC – which she said had decided not to increase oil production. McDowell fired back, saying the United States “controlled the…

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Sandra Lee returns to a post-Andrew Cuomo New York for swanky gala

Sandra Lee has made her return to us-regions following the ousting of former governor andrew-cuomo” target=”_blank”>Andrew Cuomo<. Cuomo stepped down from his position earlier this year following numerous allegations of sexual misconduct and a probe that found he had in fact sexually harassed several women. The disgraced politician, 63, and Lee, 55, dated from 2005-2019….

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