Kyle Rittenhouse trial: What is the self-defense law?

Kyle Rittenhouse took the witness stand Wednesday as he argued he fired in self-defense when he shot three people in August 2020 during demonstrations in Kenosha, us-regions that broke over the crime of Jacob Blake. Rittenhouse, 18, has argued the men had attacked him. To win an acquittal on self-defense, he must show he reasonably…

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Obama ethics chief troubled by Biden WH staff 'revolving door from influence-peddling operations'

Former barack-obama”>President <ethics chief warned that joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s< from the Biden-aligned consulting firm, SKDK, would be joining the White House in a “senior adviser” position. Czin is the most recent hire from SKDK, which was co-founded by Anita Dunn. Dunn recently left the Biden administration after being able to skirt publicly disclosing her personal…

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CNN whips out ‘Republicans pounce’ cliché to describe why inflation crisis is nightmare for Biden

Liberal CNN dusted off the cliché “Republicans pounce” to describe why the ongoing inflation crisis is a disaster for joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< the “Republicans pounce” or “seize” framework to present an issue potentially damaging to Democrats as one of simply rank partisanship. Despite the term being mocked on a regular basis, a CNN analysis by Stephen Collinson…

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Why Democrats may have to jam everything into a bill the size of 'Spaceballs' ship

You may need to check out Mel Brooks’ comic classic “Spaceballs” to understand the conundrum facing congress” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>congressional<  But here’s the problem:  Lawmakers must approve a stopgap spending bill or face a government shutdown by Dec. 3. That’s also around the same time the federal government will hit the debt ceiling.  It’s not…

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US concerned about Russian military activity near Ukraine, as House Republicans press Biden to deploy troops

The joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden administration< military activity near conflicts border, while maintaining that the U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty is “ironclad.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday expressed concern at “reports of unusual Russian military activity near Ukraine.” “We’re monitoring the region very closely,” Blinken said. “As we always do, we’ll continue to consult closely…

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Newt Gingrich: Biden-Harris approval ratings mark beginning of political disaster for Dems

The Democratic Party defeat last Tuesday was followed by an even more ominous report on the job approval of the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>two leading Democrats< in a remarkable sweep. They lost Assembly and Senate seats in New Jersey – and almost lost the governorship. A Republican was elected city attorney in Seattle (that’s right, Seattle). They…

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Diabetic foot ulcer treatment could kill COVID-19 virus, researchers say

A new healthy-living developed by scientists at the world-regions could be used to kill the infectious-disease wild-nature, according to new research.  In a study published in the journal Applied Physics Letters, the team looked at the treatment of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infectious-disease” target=”_blank”>infections<.  The authors found that enhancing cold plasma ionized gas with peracetic acid was…

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