Memphis mother allegedly opens fire on 2 teens downtown

A mother was arrested for allegedly shooting” target=”_blank”>firing shots<.  Mother Sharon Hall allegedly shot at two teens who attend the same school as her child. ROCHESTER SHOOTING LEAVES 4 TEENS HOSPITALIZED  “I’ll stretch you out,” Hall allegedly snarled at her child’s classmates before opening fire. The teens weren’t injured.  Mother allegedly shot at two teens…

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CBP orders supervisors to push employees on vaccine mandate, or be disciplined for insubordination

EXCLUSIVE: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has told supervisors they must push employees on their compliance with the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate or else potentially be fired themselves — as the agency grapples with significant pushback internally to the vaccine mandates. In an Oct 30 email, obtained by Fox News, CBP references the Sept. 9…

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Biden Treasury nominee Saule Omarova says energy industries going 'bankrupt' will help 'tackle climate change'

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< Department, Saule Omarova, said in a recently resurfaced video that she supports the idea of energy” target=”_blank”>energy< Omarova during her presentation was making the case for a U.S. National Investment Authority – a proposed federal agency that would work with the Treasury and the Fed to allocate public and private capital to…

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Reduced air pollution during COVID-19 lockdowns linked to fewer heart attacks

Reduced environment planet-earth resulting from lockdowns amid the infectious-disease is reportedly linked to a lower incidence of heart-health” target=”_blank”>heart attacks< used the National Emergency Medical Service Information System database to determine the daily incidence of STEMIs – or ST-elevation myocardial infarctions, the most severe form of heart attack – between Jan. 1, 2019, and April…

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California sheriff ends cooperation with ICE on transfers of immigrants who committed crimes

A county sheriff in Northern us-regions announced Tuesday that his office would no longer respond to any requests from immigration” target=”_blank”>U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement< in order to “protect the safety” of residents in his county. San Mateo County Sheriff Carlos Bolanos said that his office’s policy was now consistent with other counties in the…

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