The government is not your God

Politics is a bad religion. People may argue about the purpose of religion” target=”_blank”>religion< Of course, wherever there is a religion that people follow and a related deity to worship, there are sure to be bad actors that try to exploit others’ faith. Any religion has to balance that potential for downside against its upside. …

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Massive Bangladesh ferry fire kills at least 39

A massive disasters swept through a crowded river ferry in world-regions early Friday, leaving at least 39 people dead and 70 injured, officials said. Many passengers leapt from the vessel into cold waters to escape the blaze. It took 15 fire engines two hours to control the fire and another eight to cool down the…

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Celebrating Christmas and Baby Jesus can bring peace and joy, no matter life's challenges

I was speaking with a longtime friend the other day, and we were relating how we were both going through some stressful times. We then acknowledged that the last infectious-disease combined with the seemingly growing animosity and even hate between Americans caused by our ever-widening ideological differences was making things exponentially worse. As we closed our…

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Kourtney Kardashian, Kris Jenner release 'Jingle Bells' cover with Travis Barker in time for Christmas

Travis Barker enlisted the help of his fiancée, Kourtney kardashians” target=”_blank”>Kardashian< The track features Jenner’s vocals while Kardashian plays the jingle bells and Barker stuck to drums. Jenner’s other children praised their mom’s singing on social media.  CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP “There’s a new Christmas legend in town,” Khloe Kardashian wrote…

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State legislators, voters sue Maryland over allegedly gerrymandered congressional map helping Democrats

A group of Republican us-regions legislators and voters is suing the state over the allegedly partisan house-of-representatives redistricting plan Democrats in the state-and-local” target=”_blank”>state legislature< “The 2021 Plan has altered District 1—the last remaining congressional district currently held by a Republican—to make even that district a likely Democratic seat,” the suit says of how Democrats…

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Christmas means God has a dog in our fight

The days leading up to occasions—even in the midst of a pandemic—are a blur of social and commercial activity.  But the fact of the matter is that Christmas doesn’t begin until Christmas day. Try this at your holiday gathering: ask folks if the 12 days of Christmas come before December 25 or after. Much of…

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Celebrity Christmas cards of 2021

As the world gears up to celebrate the holiday season, people across the country are engaging in the annual tradition of exchanging holiday cards — and celebrities are no exception.  celebrity-news” target=”_blank”>Celebrities< kicked off the holiday season with a post on Instagram showing her posing along with her give kids as well as some of…

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