Mexico says fentanyl and meth seizures have soared since 2019 as cartels ramp up production, import from China

Federal seizures of fentanyl and meth are soaring in world-regions as cartels have begun churning out increased quantities of the deadly synthetic drugs while also importing it from China.  According to seizure figures issued Monday by Mexico’s Defense Department, seizures of the synthetic opioid fentanyl soared 525% in the first three years of the current…

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Army develops COVID-19 vaccine that may provide protection against all variants

The U.S. military has developed a infectious-disease it says may provide protection against all infectious-disease variants.  The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) developed a 24-sided object to which it attached various protein spikes from coronavirus variants. The vaccine has completed phase 1 trials, but researchers have yet to test it against the omicron…

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Biden's legacy after Build Back Better – soaring inflation, rising crime, surging illegal immigration

Sen. Joe Manchin this weekend effectively killed joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Joe Biden<, public in-fighting and defunding recently relegated it to the last beacon of hope for Biden to salvage his fledgling agenda and reverse the catastrophic trajectory of this country.    Video Instead, BBB now lies dead in the water alongside a crippling wake of broken campaign…

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Israeli archaeologists find Roman, medieval treasures in ancient shipwrecks

The Israel Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday the discovery of remnants of two archaeology” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>shipwrecks<  Among the other artifacts recovered from the site near the ancient city of Caesarea were figurines, bells, ceramics, and metal artifacts that once belonged to the ships, such as nails and a shattered iron anchor.  The IAA made its…

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Progressives demand Biden act alone to implement agenda after Manchin kills massive spending bill

house-of-representatives” target=”_blank”>House< to use his executive power to implement parts of Democrats’ massive legislative agenda, which stalled out in the senate” target=”_blank”>Senate< “There’s too much at stake and there is a very powerful tool in the president’s ability to take executive action,” she said.  White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that the White…

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