Omicron variant surging in UK ahead of Christmas

Britain’s main nurses’ union warned Monday that exhaustion and surging coronavirus cases among medical staff are pushing them to the breaking point, adding to pressure on the government for new restrictions to curb record numbers of infections driven by the omicron variant.  The warning throws into stark relief the unpalatable choice Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces: wreck…

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Partisan fight simmers over crucial Pennsylvania state House redistricting plan

A partisan fight is emerging in us-regions over the state-and-local” target=”_blank”>state House< representation in the state government.  “The clear goal of those in favor of this map is to gain control through rigging district lines, and not by the will of the people through fair and honest elections,” Pennsylvania House Speaker Bryan Cutler, a Republican,…

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COVID-19 pandemic paradox: People feel powerless despite unprecedented scientific progress

infectious-disease pandemic paradox: people still feel powerless despite unprecedented scientifica> progress as many across the world suffer loneliness <.   Before the pandemic was in full swing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated about one in five adults lived with a mental-health” target=”_blank”>mental illness<.    But the next generation is also suffering: “I am…

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The Band Perry's Kimberly Perry reveals she secretly got married to Johnny Costello six months ago

celebrity-news” target=”_blank”>Kimberly Perry<” singer took to Instagram on Sunday to reveal the big news and finally confess that Costello became her husband in June. However, for some reason, they only just now decided to share that news with the public.  “Wishing everyone a very MARRIED Christmas…” she teased in the caption of a post showing…

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Border agent slams Biden's 'political stunt' vax mandate, says it will make border crisis worse

A Border Patrol agent and NRA life member is requesting to meet with joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< if the agents are fired.  “The federal government is demanding that I either undergo a force vaccination or lose their livelihood that puts food on my family’s table. That’s my so-called choice. But this isn’t just about me. The…

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Hilaria Baldwin reveals on Instagram she's 'experienced such darkness' in post referencing suicidal thoughts

celebrity-news” target=”_blank”>Hilaria Baldwin<” actress Jameela Jamil two weeks ago. In it, Jamil discussed how negative attention online drove her into a severe depression more than one year prior that led to negative thoughts of suicide. However, she was given a massive boost of confidence when she landed a dream role.  In June, Jamil landed a…

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