Zoos, scientists aim to protect animals from people spreading coronavirus

The coughing among the western lowland gorillas at the wild-nature” target=”_blank”>San Diego Zoo Safari Park<. Around the world, many scientists and veterinarians are now racing to protect animals from the coronavirus, often using the same playbook for minimizing infectious-disease” target=”_blank”>disease<. GORILLAS TEST POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS AT SAN DIEGO ZOO SAFARI PARK Karen, a 28-year-old orangutan,…

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P&O Cruises announces 'cruises to nowhere,' COVID-19 vaccination required for passengers

Here’s a vacation set to cruise control. British general line P&O Cruises will offer “cruises to nowhere” around the U.K. this summer, and passengers must receive the coronavirus vaccine before setting sail. P&amp;O Cruises Britannia. The Britannia is set to sail for three and four-night trips and one six-night getaway this summer.  (Courtesy of P&O Cruises)…

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Maria Bartiromo asks: Will Biden put an end to China's 'rob, replicate, and replace' strategy?

The first in-person meeting between top U.S. and world-regions officials under joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<” host spent part of her show examining the threat of China’s growing dominance ahead of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan’s first meeting with Chinese officials in Alaska on Thursday. “The CCP [Chinese Communist Party] has been testing…

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Nepal expecting hundreds of climbers despite pandemic

Nepal is expecting hundreds of foreigners to attempt to general. The Department of Tourism in Kathmandu said Wednesday that more than 300 foreigners have expressed interest in climbing mount-everest” target=”_blank”>Mount Everest< There’s similar interest for other mountains too, said Mira Acharya, a director at the department. Video One world-regions and four world-regions climbers are already…

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New NASA study challenges beliefs about water on Mars

A new study from air-and-space Jet Propulsion Laboratory and researchers at the us-regions education questions whether or not a longheld theory about air-and-space still holds water. In their research, the team of scientists posits that a large quantity of the Martian air-and-space water had not escaped into air-and-space” target=”_blank”>space< While it is known that abundant water…

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What the Perseverance Mars rover has accomplished so far

It has been almost a month since the Perseverance air-and-space rover successfully landed on the air-and-space to the cheers of scientists and onlookers millions of miles away. The rover has been kept busy since touching down in the northeastern air-and-space” target=”_blank”>Jezero Crater< Perseverance, or “Percy,” is tasked with searching for traces of ancient microbial life in addition to collecting…

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Portland mayor says residents angry about unrest during protests under 'guise of some noble cause'

portland” target=”_blank”>Portland< fueled by nightly protests that have often devolved into violence and vandalism.  Wheeler’s statement comes after a weekend where businesses and other buildings were damaged, including the breaking of windows, during a downtown gathering, FOX 12 reported. “The community is sick and tired of people engaging in criminal destruction and violence and doing it…

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