Home COVID-19 tests and well-fitting masks: How to make 2021 holiday gatherings safer

With the 2021 occasions season quickly approaching, family-and-friends” target=”_blank”>families<.  At this time last year, Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech had just announced that their infectious-disease was 90% effective in preventing the infectious-disease” target=”_blank”>disease<. SANTA MAY NOT BE COMING TO TOWN NEAR YOU, THANKS TO COVID Now, more than 194 million Americans have been fully vaccinated and…

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Wallace Shawn defends working with Woody Allen: 'I felt a great respect for him'

Wallace Shawn is defending his decision to continue working with celebrity-news” target=”_blank”>Woody Allen< where he described feeling “troubled” by those choosing not to work with the director. Much of Hollywood has distanced itself from the filmmaker since the #MeToo movement prompted a re-examination of child sexual abuse allegations from his now-grown daughter, Dylan Farrow. Stars…

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Democrats who probed Russian interference and hyped Steele dossier silent after Danchenko indictment

Democrats who probed Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections and touted the Steele dossier are now quiet following the indictment of Igor Danchenko, the primary sub-source of the dossier’s contents, for making false statements to the FBI. Fox News sought comment on Danchenko’s durham-probe” target=”_blank”>indictment<members who sat on the House Intelligence Committee during its…

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Biden announces plan to treat veterans' medical conditions from toxic air

President joe-biden” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Joe Biden< and the potential connection between rare cancers and time spent overseas breathing poor air, according to the White House. Federal officials plan to start by examining lung and breathing problems but say they will expand the effort as science identifies potential new connections.  Biden was traveling to Arlington National Cemetery…

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Kyle Rittenhouse trial: What is the self-defense law?

Kyle Rittenhouse took the witness stand Wednesday as he argued he fired in self-defense when he shot three people in August 2020 during demonstrations in Kenosha, us-regions that broke over the crime of Jacob Blake. Rittenhouse, 18, has argued the men had attacked him. To win an acquittal on self-defense, he must show he reasonably…

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Obama ethics chief troubled by Biden WH staff 'revolving door from influence-peddling operations'

Former barack-obama”>President <ethics chief warned that joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s< from the Biden-aligned consulting firm, SKDK, would be joining the White House in a “senior adviser” position. Czin is the most recent hire from SKDK, which was co-founded by Anita Dunn. Dunn recently left the Biden administration after being able to skirt publicly disclosing her personal…

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CNN whips out ‘Republicans pounce’ cliché to describe why inflation crisis is nightmare for Biden

Liberal CNN dusted off the cliché “Republicans pounce” to describe why the ongoing inflation crisis is a disaster for joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< the “Republicans pounce” or “seize” framework to present an issue potentially damaging to Democrats as one of simply rank partisanship. Despite the term being mocked on a regular basis, a CNN analysis by Stephen Collinson…

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