4 goofy gifts for American car fans

If you have a car enthusiast on your holiday-gift-guide” target=”_blank”>holiday gift< could be a bad idea, unless you really know what they want, but there are plenty of odd accessories featuring favorite brands that might be unusual enough to give them a smile and avoid being re-gifted. Here are a few of the silliest selections:…

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Joe Manchin turned his back on most of America when he derailed Build Back Better

If senate” target=”_blank”>Sen. Joe Manchin<” that he “cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation, I just can’t…I can’t get there…This is a no.” MANCHIN SAYS HE ‘CANNOT VOTE’ FOR BUILD BACK BETTER: ‘I’VE DONE EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE’ With those words Manchin turned his back on President Biden and Congressional Democrats. But he also…

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Omicron: What are the variant's symptoms?

Cases of the omicron infectious-disease variant have been spreading rapidly around the world – including in the U.S. – forcing health leaders to take action.  Much remains unknown about the new variant, but nations like the U.S. have acted quickly to respond, implementing controversial travela> restrictions and updating mask-wearing guidance.< The concern is that the…

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New Jersey child, 12, charged for allegedly making school threats

A 12-year-old us-regions child is now facing charges after allegedly directing threats toward a high school from “a variety of social media accounts,” police say.  The development comes after at least a dozen students around the U.S. were crime” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>arrested late last week<  “Through the diligent work of our investigative team, the Maple…

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