Karen Carpenter's brother Richard shares a favorite memory of the 'Superstar': 'It was all happening so fast'

Karen Carpenter’s brother Richard has one vivid memory of the singer that has stayed with him over the years. It was 1971 when the duo, known as music” target=”_blank”>Carpenters< for best new artist. “This was not even a year after ‘Close to You’ had been released,” the singer/songwriter told Fox News. “It was all happening…

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Civil rights organization tells Duke it is 'legally obligated' to grant pro-Israel group recognition

A civil rights organization is telling education it is “legally obligated” to grant a pro-Israel student organization official recognition on campus. During the Nov. 10 Duke Student Government senate meeting, the proposed Students Supporting Israel chapter was granted official recognition. However, when legislation approving the pro-Israel organization went to student government President Christina Wang, she…

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The Democrats’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said Thursday night what everyone knew for some time about the elections’ Build Back Better bill. joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< Duh! There were still too many unresolved issues. Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough was weeding out provisions which didn’t qualify for a special budget bill like this. And despite daily chats between President Biden and…

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Republicans sound off on Sen. Manchin's Build Back Better resistance: 'Sane moderate Democrat'

EXCLUSIVE: Several prominent Republicans sounded off on the Sunday declaration from Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who said there is no way he can support the massive social spending bill known as the Build Back Better Act. Manchin told “Fox News Sunday” that despite having spoken with joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< “It will be interesting to see…

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Texas school district investigating after suspect appears to point gun at school bus, video shows

The Dayton Independent School District is investigating a video that appears to show someone pointing a gun at a education” target=”_blank”>school<, which is located about 40 miles northeast of houston-and-galveston” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>Houston< that his 13-year-old daughter took the video while on the way home from Woodrow Wilson Junior High on Friday.  “What [the person] did…

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Sen. Tom Cotton says Democrats want to 'destroy' Senate customs following Manchin dissent

Fox News host Trey Gowdy opened his latest “Sunday Night in America” show with further development on the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. “The consequences from America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan continues,” Gowdy began, listing various forms of brutality and oppression committed by the Taliban after U.S. troops evacuated the country in August. MANCHIN’S MEDIA CRITICS PREDICT BUILD BACK…

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Oxford University blasted for considering hiring based on ‘woke score’ of academics: report

Professors at the education of Oxford are reportedly “furious” over a proposal being considered that would require all academic appointees to have demonstrated a past commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. A proposal by the race equality task force at world-regions oldest university said it was “important to embed EDI” – or equality, diversityworld-regions and inclusion –…

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Candy canes: Odd and interesting facts

occasions and candy canes just go together, and it looks like it’s been this way for hundreds of years. According to the National Confectioners Association, the minty confection is believed to have been introduced in 1670 by a German choirmaster. The mysterious choirmaster reportedly worked at the Cologne Cathedral in what is now considered Köln,…

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Kentucky suspects arrested for stealing from tornado victims: police

Five us-regions were arrested for allegedly crime cars, shoes, copper wiring, and other household items from victims in a southwestern part of the state that was “particularly hit hard by the disasters” target=”_blank”>tornado< received a report of crime” target=”_blank”>suspicious activity< When deputies arrived, they stopped the group before they could leave the area with stolen…

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