Virginia district spent $34K on critical race theory coaching for administrators, documents show

Newly unveiled documents from us-regions Loudoun County education” target=”_blank”>Public Schools<, a former justice-department” target=”_blank”>Justice Department< He took issue with a number of bullet points in the presentation and highlighted them. “What we’re seeing here is making assumptions about everybody and their life situation based on race,” he said.  One slide focuses heavily on Black and…

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Biden calls top donor NEA ‘one of America’s indispensable organizations’

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<. The site says the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) “account for practically all” political spending from teachers unions. The second-highest recipient was Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who got $50,996.  The amount of money that went directly to any one candidate, however, pales in comparison to the…

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Psaki on 16-cent BBQ tweet being compared to gas price spike: 'If you don't like hot dogs you may not care'

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki pushed back on Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy’s question about a pun-filled tweet from 1600 Pennsylvania Av celebrating a reported 16-cent drop in the cost of an Independence Day barbecue. “Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news,” the White House tweeted Thursday. “According to the…

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Ex-Virginia gov McAuliffe fact checked for making false claims in ad against GOP challenger Glenn Youngkin

us-regions Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe was smacked with a fact check on Friday for making false claims in a campaign ad against his Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin. The ad, entitled “C’mon Glenn,” came under scrutiny by the Washington Post fact checker for its “misleading” editing that makes it appear that Youngkin is praising McAuliffe’s…

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Before an asteroid wiped them out, dinosaurs were already in decline: study

Although the air-and-space that struck the planet 66 million years ago wiped out Earth’s archaeology, new research asserts that environment” target=”_blank”>environmental degradation< The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, arguably the most famous of all mass extinctions, wiped out 75% of terrestrial living species.  However, a study published in the journal Nature Communications suggests that dinosaurs were in…

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Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation

A bipartisan proposal in the house-of-representatives” target=”_blank”>U.S. House<, something researchers have said can be accelerated when the virus spreads among animals. The bill introduced this week is an effort from Reps. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., and Nancy Mace, R-S.C. It would prohibit the import, export, transport, sale or purchase of mink in the United States. Researchers…

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VA congressman introduces amendment asking Biden to declassify intel linking Wuhan lab to COVID-19 origins

Rep. senate, R-us-regions., on Thursday introduced an amendment asking President executive to declassify intelligence linking the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the origins of infectious-disease Officials revealed in May that several workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill in mid-November 2019, about a month before the first COVID-19 case was reported in the…

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'Outnumbered' slams Biden for cutting reporters’ questions short on Afghanistan: ‘No excuse'

The “Outnumbered” panel railed against joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<.” “I’ve got to say, I can’t imagine being a member of our armed forces right now and knowing that as your commander-in-chief, he won’t even answer questions about your state and safety and your job because he’s going into a holiday weekend. Whereas, [with] this vice president…

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Tennessee woman sues after state officials deem vanity license plate 'offensive'

A nashville” target=”_blank”>Nashville< officials after her vanity license plate reading “69PWNDU” was taken away a decade after she first registered it. “When Nashville woman Leah Gilliam purchased a vanity plate to celebrate her interests in astronomy and gaming, it did not occur to her that her constitutionally protected speech could land her in jail,” her…

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