Iowa Supreme Court ruling blocks Planned Parenthood's sex education programs

us-regions‘s high court said Wednesday that the state may refuse to allow judiciary to conduct sex education” target=”_blank”>education< The six justices appointed by Republican governors agreed that the Iowa Legislature could have reasonable concerns that allowing an abortion provider to teach sex education could undermine its goals of promoting abstinence and reducing teenage pregnancy. “The…

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Randi Weingarten faces backlash for claiming AFT tried to reopen schools starting April 2020

American Federation of education President Randi Weingarten is facing backlash after claiming her economyhas been trying to reopen schools for in-person learning since April 2020, a month after the infectious-disease pandemic began. “We tried to reopen schools safely since April 2020…” Weingarten wrote in response to an anonymous Twitter user. “It makes me sick that…

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'Black fungus' infections robbing India's COVID-19 survivors of sight

Thousands of infectious-disease patients in world-regions have been diagnosed with mucormycosis, or so-called “black fungus” that’s leaving some withvision-and-hearing” target=”_blank”> vision loss< “We are seeing a lot of mucormycosis cases post COVID infections since COVID itself is known to decrease the immunity,” Charuta Mandke, who works in the ophthalmology department at Dr. R N Cooper…

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Lisa Rinna was shocked to learn daughter Amelia started dating Scott Disick as a teen

lisa-rinna” target=”_blank”>Lisa Rinna< was dating Scott Disick. The the-real-housewives” target=”_blank”>”Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”<” star is 38. The couple was first linked in October 2020. Rinna, 57, explained that Amelia told her that she and Disick were just friends in the beginning.  She told castmate Erike Jayne that she was “a lot” nervous about her…

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