Vatican coronavirus conference features Fauci, Francis — and Aerosmith

ROME – The CEOs of infectious-disease-makers Pfizer and Moderna joined cardinals, academics and the lead guitarist of Aerosmith in opening a unique Vatican conference on infectious-disease, other global health threats and how science, solidarity and spirituality can address them. The three-day online conference, which began Thursday and ends Saturday with a virtual audience with Pope…

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Cuomo urged to make New York houses of worship 'essential' to administer vaccines

us-regions clergy members and activists called on Gov. andrew-cuomo” target=”_blank”>Andrew Cuomo<as essential.  Bertha Lewis, CEO of the Black Institute, a progressive think tank, also called out the governor for using minority churches as “props.” “Stop doing this to us,” Lewis said during a #WeAreEssential rally outside of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine on…

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Hans von Spakovsky: Voter suppression? Dems flat-out wrong. Census data gives real story about US elections

There is no suppression going on of anyone’s elections” target=”_blank”>votes< of voters clearly demonstrates that those who have been claiming, without justification or evidence, that we have been experiencing a wave of so-called “voter suppression” have a lot of explaining to do.   Among those making such claims: kamala-harris” target=”_blank”>Vice President Kamala Harris< Instead, the Census…

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