Treating your pet for marijuana poisoning: Veterinarian

healthy-living at animal hospitals across the country are reportedly treating more and more pets” target=”_blank”>dogs< experienced a bit of a scare recently with her four-month-old Vizsla puppy, Percy, who was rushed to the vet after experiencing symptoms like difficulty walking, wobbling while resting and dilated pupils. Perino’s vet immediately detected that Percy must’ve ingested some…

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DCCC adviser claims police, PR 'propagandists' and journalists falsely manufacturing crime wave narrative

A senior staffer at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) pushed a claim over the weekend that public relations “propagandists” are working with journalists to “falsely manufacture” a crime wave narrative. Dyjuan Tatro, the DCCC’s senior adviser for strategic outreach, claimed the media is pushing “copaganda” in a Sunday morning tweet. “Another devastating [thread] on…

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GOP senators press Biden admin for answers on 'politically motivated' attacks against parents

senate are requesting a formal investigation into the joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden< and critical-race-theory” target=”_blank”>critical race theory< The request comes after Fox News Digital reported this month that education” target=”_blank”>Education< protesting parents to domestic terrorists. A Department of Education spokesperson previously denied that Cardona solicited the NSBA letter, despite an email indicating he did.  joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s<…

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Cardi B wants to 'chat' with Meghan Markle after court verdict reminds public of online hate duchess endured

Could hip-hop royalty and celebrity-news join forces to tackle online hate? cardi-b” target=”_blank”>Cardi B< The jury on Monday found Latasha Kebe, known online as Tasha K, and a company she owns liable for defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress against the rapper. Kebe’s lawyers said in an email Tuesday that they…

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Feinstein defended China against human rights violations as husband got rich off Chinese companies

A new book reveals that us-regions Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein repeatedly defended the public image of world-regions ruling Communist Party while her husband reaped major profits from his Chinese business ties. Over the last three decades, Feinstein has downplayed the human rights violations being perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party, according to “Red-Handed: How American…

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Nikki Haley on 'Kilmeade Show': Russia, China saw America 'sell out' its allies in Afghanistan

Former United Nations Amb. Nikki Haley ripped joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s<” Wednesday, Haley said Russia, China and other adversaries saw what happened in Afghanistan and don’t believe Biden will “stand strong.”  BIDEN CLARIFIES UKRAINE COMMENT THAT CAUSED UPROAR: RUSSIAN TROOPS CROSSING BORDER WOULD BE ‘INVASION’ NIKKI HALEY: The reality is he’s not doing anything about it. Deterrence is…

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