Easter by the numbers: Facts about the religious holiday and secular activities

Easter is a Christian occasions that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year, Easter will fall on Sunday, April 17. Some will opt to honor holy family-traditions” target=”_blank”>traditions< on treats. TIKTOKER PARTICIPATES IN ADULT EASTER EGG HUNT: ‘WILL 100% DO IT AGAIN’ Here are a few number-focused facts that’ll widen your knowledge about the…

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German suspected anti-government extremists arrested over blackout, kidnapping plan, authorities say

world-regions authorities have reportedly crime” target=”_blank”>arrested< restrictions and with the Reich Citizens movement, which dispute Germany’s post-World War II order.  GERMAN LAWMAKERS VISITING KYIV SUPPORT EU BAN ON RUSSIAN OIL IMPORTS: REPORT Authorities allege that the group aimed to destroy electricity supply facilities and cause a nationwide blackout, producing “conditions similar to civil war” and…

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ISIS 'Beatle' trial: British man found guilty in US trial

El Shafee Elsheikh, a British national believed to be part of the notorious “Beatles” terror” target=”_blank”>terror< hostage-taking plot that led to the deaths of four Americans, three of whom were beheaded. Elsheikh was found guilty on all eight counts after a jury in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Virginia, deliberated for four hours. He faces…

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