Could your breath enable your phone to identify you?

Facial recognition and fingerprint verification are becoming topics on our phones and now your breath may be a potential option for biometric security, according to a report published in Chemical Communications.  Researchers from Kyushu University’s Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering worked with the University of Tokyo and have developed an olfactory (smell) sensor that…

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Iran again threatens to assassinate Pompeo: 'Live in fear'

Iran is threatening a possible assassination attempt on former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, with high-profile Twitter accounts posting inflammatory messages against him. Pompeo, now a Fox News contributor, has been highly critical of Iran both while serving in the Trump administration and after. He was in office when U.S. forces killed Iranian military leader…

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COVID-19 rebound after Paxlovid treatment likely due to insufficient exposure to the drug

“infectious-disease,” the relapse of symptoms that occurred in some patients treated with Paxlovid, may actually be caused by insufficient drug exposure, according to a recent study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.  Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had issued a health advisory warning individuals about “COVID-19 rebound” where symptoms of COVID infection…

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Artificial intelligence technology can secure sites by scanning major venues for weapons

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is being used to help secure sites from sports arenas to churches and schools. The technology is being used to scan for weapons, including guns, knives and explosives as people walk between standing panels. If a weapon is spotted, security standing by is alerted.  companies” target=”_blank”>Massachusetts based Evolv< among other venues. …

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