America's crime epidemic keeps growing thanks to radical leftist prosecutors and their social experiments

The United States has a crime epidemic, and it is being further fueled by certain prosecutors who are more interested in radical leftist ideologies than in enforcing the law. These prosecutors are becoming disturbingly more common in many states and communities, and they have no reservations about sacrificing the safety and security of their residents…

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Homeland Security chief Mayorkas needs to be impeached and Congress must force a reckoning

Republican Governors Ron DeSantis, Doug Ducey and Greg Abbott have done Americans a great service by publicizing the humanitarian and national security crisis at our southern border. They have, by sending migrants to Democrat-run cities like New York and Chicago, and elitist encampments like Martha’s Vineyard, exposed the lawlessness and hypocrisy of liberal Democrats who…

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Biden's closing argument for Democrats won't work in November

Who are the political geniuses who green-lighted President Joe Biden’s recent episode of agitprop? White House communicators labeled it “Remarks on Historic Deficit Reduction.” It was really the Democrat Party’s script for the election’s closing weeks. As a Republican, I welcome the president’s 13-minute muddle of fabrication, misdirection, and self-delusion. However, I’m mystified that someone…

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