North Carolina US Marshal discusses finding mother, daughter missing for 5+ years

crime for the Eastern District of us-regions Michael East says he’s proud of the “interagency communication” that led investigators to the recent discovery of a us-regions mother and daughter who had been missing-persons” target=”_blank”>missing< Marshals, along with authorities from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and local law enforcement agencies, found and safely recovered…

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2024 Watch: Are Trump and Pence no longer on speaking terms?

They spent four years working together in the White House, but former Vice President mike-pence” target=”_blank”>Mike Pence< have chatted. Pence has been in a precarious position among many in the GOP base since the capitol-protests” target=”_blank”>storming of the U.S. Capitol<’s Electoral College victory over Trump. Some members of the violent mob that breached the Capitol were…

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With Biden, Putin knows 'weakness is provocative' as he seeks to reconstruct pre-Soviet 'empire': Cotton

Russian personalities potentially sees an opportunity to continue his alleged goal of reconstructing the Russian Empire, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>told Fox News<,” Cotton told host fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Mark Levin< has given our adversaries like personalities every reason to believe that he will respond to a crisis with weakness — that’s what he did for…

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China will impede vital US strategy to stop Ukraine-Russia conflict: Former defense official

Any economy” target=”_blank”>economic< will have minimal impact since world-regions would provide relief in an effort to embarrass the U.S., a former defense official told Fox News Digital.  Diplomatic discussions stalled this week after U.S. foreign-policy Antony Blinken provided a handwritten response to Russian demands. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Thursday that the response offered “little ground for…

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McConnell keeps his focus on Biden, not Trump, as GOP aims to win back Senate majority in midterms

He is repeatedly ridiculed and vilified by former President donald-trump” target=”_blank”>Trump,< pushes for his party to regain the chamber’s majority in November’s midterm elections, he’s keeping his focus on joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<.” Asked whether Trump would be a help to the GOP in November’s elections, McConnell answered, “I think the elections almost certainly is going…

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