Feminists 'in full-blown panic mode' about state of Roe v. Wade: Hegseth

Fox News host Pete Hegseth celebrated the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade in his opening monologue Thursday on “Fox News Primetime.” 


PETE HEGSETH: This week, we’re seeing the culmination of decades of hard work, important work and principled work after hours of oral arguments. The Supreme Court appears set to uphold a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks, setting the stage to at least radically alter Roe’s precedent and at best, yes, to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that has led to the abortion of at least 62 million innocent American babies since 1973. A generational genocide of America’s unborn. Now worshiped by the left as a savior for women, for far too long, Roe v. Wade seemed untouchable. Just 10 years ago, with Obama in the White House and a Supreme Court stacked with pro-choice justices, this day, it felt very far off. Until now, because of the endless efforts of pro-life groups, activists, educators, mothers. Because of major technological advancements that prove that even at the earliest stages of life, as King David wrote in Psalm [139], “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Your eyes saw my unformed body.” Unformed bodies knit together by God. Not the decision of Planned Parenthood. 

[D]espite what the captured corporate media tells you, most Americans are actually against what Roe v. Wade protects, even if they don’t necessarily realize it. 65% of Americans, according to a Gallup poll in 2018, say abortion in the second trimester should be illegal, even though Roe v. Wade allows it. It’s actually just a small, loud, angry minority of radical feminists who really support unfettered abortion. And now, today, this week, they’re in full-blown panic mode. They’re terrified that the states – that we the people, not nine people in black robes – will soon get a say in determining the all-important question of life, which really should be only answered by God. 


For far too long Roe v. Wade seemed untouchable - until now: Hegseth Video

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