Biden polling plummets and 2022 midterm red wave gathers strength

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Joe Biden<’ approval rating sits at an embarrassing 28%. A stunning 46% of those surveyed believe Biden is doing a worse job as president than expected, including 16% who supported him at the ballot box last year. 

The latest Harvard- Harris Poll found that voters overwhelmingly reject Biden’s agenda, too, with nearly 60% of voters opposing Biden’s socialism” target=”_blank”>socialist spending package<

These results shouldn’t be a surprise. The Biden-Harris administration has failed at every opportunity.

Just look at our economy. November’s jobs report was the worst of the year and the lowest number of Biden’s administration. The economy added back just 210,000 jobs – less than half what economists had predicted. Nearly four million Americans who lost their jobs during the pandemic are still jobless.

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Meanwhile, the latest data from the Labor Department shows consumer prices skyrocketed 6.2% in October – the largest spike in more than 30 years. Rising prices are making everything more expensive: gasoline is up almost 50% since last year and used vehicles have risen by 26%. And if you hosted a holiday dinner last month, you might’ve emptied your wallet: according to the Farm Bureau, Thanksgiving dinner cost families 14% more than last year.  

Despite Biden’s assurances that inflation was temporary, the latest numbers indicate that inflation is here to stay – and will likely get worse. Economists project that high inflation will last well into 2022. 

As we look ahead to the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats have every reason to worry.

But these aren’t just statistics. Higher prices have a tangible impact on family finances and hit lower and middle-class Americans the most. Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies punish hard-working Americans and demonstrate just how out of touch they are with average citizens.  

There’s also the crisis unfolding at our southern border. A stunning 164,303 illegal immigrants were caught trying to illegally enter the U.S. in October, making it the highest October number in the history of the Department of Homeland Security. In fact, more than 1.4 million illegal migrants have been apprehended crossing the border since Biden took office, while at least 400,000 have successfully snuck into the U.S. illegally in the last 12 months. 

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The consequences are serious. The massive influx of migrants has prompted a humanitarian crisis that has overwhelmed our border agents and a national security nightmare that poses a threat to our citizens. And yet, Biden has proved himself either unable or unwilling to act, while “border czar” Kamala Harris has consistently avoided a trip to the epicenter of the crisis.


As if these issues weren’t bad enough, consider the Biden administration’s open disdain for parents alarmed by public schools’ radical indoctrination of their children. In a letter to the Biden Department of Justice, the National School Boards Association complained of threats made to school board members by outraged parents and suggested the federal government investigate them as domestic terrorists. In response, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the DOJ would look into the matter and potentially prosecute parents.

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The public backlash came so quickly that the NSBA apologized, but the DOJ has yet to do the same. In fact, internal emails reveal that the NSBA coordinated with the White House to give the federal government cause for investigation. 

And while Garland told lawmakers that the DOJ and FBI did not use counterterrorism measures against parents, whistleblower emails reveal that the FBI’s Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions created a “threat tag” to track troublesome parents. Far from legitimate concerns about violence, it seems the letter was a despicable political ploy to intimidate parents into silence.


Scandals and crises like these are why voters in cities and states across the country cast their ballots for Republicans earlier this month. GOP candidates swept all three of Virginia’s top offices and gained the majority in the state legislature. In deep blue Seattle, voters elected a Republican city attorney for the first time in more than 30 years. And all over the Empire State, New Yorkers backed Republican candidates in races for city council, mayor and district attorney. The reason is clear. In less than a year, voters have seen enough of Joe Biden and Democrats to know their policies have failed the American people.

With Biden underwater, a red wave is coming. As we look ahead to the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats have every reason to worry.   


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