Guatemalan president says he's had no direct contact with White House since border czar Harris' June meeting

EXCLUSIVE: Guatemalan President fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Alejandro Giammattei<‘ John Roberts in an exclusive interview Wednesday that he has not spoken with joe-biden” target=”_blank”>the White House< over the summer.

Giammattei said that there is “much to be done” to fix the migration crisis affecting both nations, as Guatemalans flee, often illegally, into the United States.

On Harris’ stated focus on “root causes” of migration in Central America, Giammattei suggested on “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>America Reports<

Giammattei later told Roberts that despite critics, Guatemala and the U.S. have a lot in common: “We are allies of U.S. allies.”

He noted that his government supports Taiwanese sovereignty as well as the fact it has one of the few international embassies in Jerusalem, Israel – where Trump moved the U.S. outpost during his term.

When asked if he feels the U.S. is a partner in economic development and trying to lift Guatemalans out of poverty, Giammattei remarked, “The day I meet [Biden] personally, I will ask him.”

Roberts later told “America Reports” co-host Sandra Smith that he asked about meeting Giammattei again after Biden eventually engages with him.

Giammattei, he said, responded, “We may be waiting a long time to meet.”

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