Biden 'disrespecting Americans' by claiming they're racist 'if he doesn't get his way': Sen. Lee

President joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Joe Biden<, R-Utah, said.

Lee joined “The Mark Levin Show on Westwood One” to react to Biden’s pointed address in Atlanta, wherein he stumped in favor of Democrats’ voting bill, which critics say is an overreaching federalization of state-based election laws. 

Biden has maintained the act is necessary to protect the right to vote, while Republicans say it prevents state legislatures from enacting election security measures such as voter identification and the prohibition of ballot harvesting.

During his speech, Biden asked the crowd whether they wanted to be “on the side of” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or former Alabama Democratic Gov. George Corley Wallace, a staunch segregationist – in terms of Republican opposition to getting rid of the 60-vote filibuster precedent that is essentially blocking the bill from passing on a simple majority vote.


Alabama Governor George Wallace promises "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" during his 1963 inaugural address.

Alabama Governor George Wallace promises "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" during his 1963 inaugural address.

On “The Mark Levin Show,” Lee fervently dismissed such likening of political opponents to segregationists and Confederates.

“It was disgraceful to equate defense of the Senate rules with Jim Crow,” Lee told host life-liberty-levin” target=”_blank”>Mark Levin<

During the interview, Lee also commented on Biden’s fellow Democrats’ strong support for eliminating the filibuster and passing Sewell’s bill, telling Levin that Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer of New York “effectively admitted on national television” that his true intentions are to ensure a Democrat-controlled federal government for decades to come:

“Once in a while, they pull back the mask – they let us know.”

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