Ingraham: Biden, Democrats 'making lists' as they now view 'half the country as their mortal enemy'

In her “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Ingraham Angle< warned that Democrats, led by joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<” and in turn denying Americans’ civil liberties and constitutional rights.

“They’re making lists,” fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>she began<

Regarding the “lists” in that realm, Ingraham pointed to recent reporting that the Biden government is “digitizing” firearm purchase files, potentially for clandestine surveillance of innocent Americans practicing their explicit Second Amendment right.

“Your Second Amendment rights, I hate to break it to mean nothing to them. They stopped church attendance protected by the First Amendment over a pandemic. You don’t think they’d try to stop gun ownership protected by the Second Amendment over an epidemic of violence,” she said.

“Democrat mayors, they don’t give a rip about crime, if they did, they wouldn’t be empowering the BLM crowd at the expense of the public safety,” she added.

“Republicans in Congress, especially when they take back power, need to exercise strict oversight over every aspect of this Biden team. And they need to prohibit and defund every action and every policy that undermines our basic constitutional rights. There are a lot of such actions and policies.”

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