Sean Hannity blasts Biden over Ukraine, inflation and COVID: 'Buckle up'

Sean Hannity blasted joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<, energy independence, among many other failures. 

“Democrats, they’re in a full-blown panic after spending trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars on handouts. Our economy is on fire, but not in a good way,” Hannity said. 

He pointed out that inflation hit yet another historic benchmark after it ascended seven points from last year. “In fact, Americans are paying almost twice as much now to fill up their tanks under Biden than they were under donald-trump” target=”_blank”>President Trump<

“The pain is obviously hurting the poor and the middle class and the country the hardest,” the “Hannity” host said.

In light of Biden’s dwindling approval rating, Hannity said Democrats were reversing course on their unpopular policies ahead of the elections.

infectious-disease mandates, all of a sudden, two weeks ago, when Republicans were doing it, it was a disaster. It was irresponsible – they were going to kill people. Now, all of a sudden, [Democrats] agree with those Republican governors and they are now following suit,” Hannity said.

Virgninia Gov. Glenn Youngkin

Virgninia Gov. Glenn Youngkin
(REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst)

“You’ve got to understand what’s happening here. They’re only changing their opinions because of politics, and they love their power. That is more important than anything else. Even, for example, compromising every so-called principle they have,” Hannity said.


“The base of the democratic-party” target=”_blank”>Democratic Party<. Most Democrats don’t actually have any firm beliefs at all. They just do whatever they think will make them popular, increase their political power, [and] get them reelected. But they can’t rewrite history. No amount of smoke and mirrors and flip-flops can change reality,” he said.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 
(Aurora Samperio/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

“Joe Biden literally has once again made us dependent on energy, the lifeblood of our economy. [He] killed the Keystone XL pipeline, restricted oil and gas drilling all over … Joe Biden caused the crisis at the southern border [when] it was easily preventable. Joe Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. And buckle up because Biden is about to abandon more Americans abroad in Ukraine.”

“Now when you think it can’t get any worse at the executive – think again; because Joe Biden is probably … one of the dumbest [and] least capable presidents we’ve ever had,” Hannity concluded. 

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