Ingraham: Biden's Afghan crisis continues Democrats' 'great unraveling' of America

In her “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Ingraham Angle< described how joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden’s< is the latest example of the Democrats’ wholesale “unraveling” of America, its reputation, its economy and its national security.

Reporting from San Francisco, fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Ingraham<, why are so many numb when our people are being terrorized here: It’s a joe-biden” target=”_blank”>democrat-engineered< largely with a mix of “radicals and incompetents.” The two men, she said, are shining examples of “ineptitude and arrogance.”

The Taliban now in control of Afghanistan is now laughing at the United States, she added, in part because of corruption and politicking at places like Austin’s department:

The Pentagon, she said, failed to recognize that the conflicts would crumble in days without further U.S. support. Austin and Gen. Mark Milley couldn’t explain the lack of preparedness and should have resigned last week, she added.

“And determined to double down on failure, Biden’s people want you to believe the Taliban can be trusted with Americans’ safety,” she said, playing a clip of Rear Admiral John Kirby – Austin’s spokesman – telling reporters the importance of keeping communications open with Taliban militants and seeking “de-confliction.”

Pete Hegseth: Those who facilitated 9/11 now control which Americans are allowed to flee Afghanistan Video

She added that Secretary of State Antony Blinken has a long record of incompetent leadership, not the least of which was confusing former Afghan President Hamid Karzai with Ashraf Ghani – the country’s last leader who fled his own country as the Taliban surged.

Blinken claimed to have been on the phone recently with “President Karzai” – who has not been the president there since 2014.

“Biden’s team could have gotten better advice from watching this show than listening to the people who spent more time on the narrative of January 6 than on our exit from Afghanistan – [while] the two elected officials in the White House – Biden and Harris – apparently have little role to no in policymaking at all.”

Ingraham remarked that Harris is so unimportant in the day-to-day White House that Biden’s advisors sent her to Singapore on a state trip.

“This suggests Biden’s aides think Harris is not only useless during a crisis, but a liability. Frankly, this is the best decision they’ve made over the last week,” she said.

On the homefront, Biden and his Democratic allies in Congress continue to embolden criminal elements, as crime” target=”_blank”>urban crime<

However, in the Republicans’ case, they were pushed out of power – pointing to the lack of Bushes and Cheneys on the forefront of GOP politics.

“In this country, we don’t have to accept failed leaders. We have the power to replace them. And that’s what we should do,” she said. 

“Biden may not care if the United States goes down the drain – but we voters can replace his Democratic allies in 2022, and replace him in 2024.”

The same goes for Gov. gavin-newsom” target=”_blank”>Gavin Newsom< – but the voters here will have their say on September 14th.  And if they vote to recall him, they can begin to take their state back,” she said.

“Remember: They want you to feel helpless. They want you to believe that they are doing the best they can, and that it can’t be any better than this. That’s not true,” she said, playing a clip of then-California Gov. Ronald W– Reagan strongly asserting he wouldn’t “stand by and watch this great country destroy itself under mediocre leadership that drifts from one crisis to the next, eroding our national will and purpose” – in reference to President Carter and the Democrats at the time.


“What was true in the Carter Era is now true in the Biden Era. Californians deserve better. Americans deserve better,” Ingraham said.

“Everything Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom touch is unraveling. Including their poll numbers. But we don’t have to allow this embarrassing spectacle to continue indefinitely. If we do, the cruel joke’s on us.”

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