How to know if your child has rare hepatitis that's affecting hundreds of children globally

Cases of hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, in children who were otherwise healthy have recently been reported in over 25 countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning to health care professionals to look for signs for this mysterious hepatitis with an unknown cause that mostly affects children under the age of 5. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control released a report the week of May 11 that stated there have been approximately 450 cases of the rare liver condition worldwide. The European health agency said of those cases, 109 were reported in the United States and five deaths in the U.S. were reportedly due to the liver condition. 

According to the CDC, healthy-living than 90% of the cases in the United States resulted in hospitalizations and 14% had received liver transplants. None of the children were hospitalized due to current SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus that causes COVID-19, the report said. 

Dr. Joseph DiNorcia is an associate professor of surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City and a healthy-living” target=”_blank”>transplant< liver disease. The CDC said there is an investigation into the possible association between the pediatric hepatitis and an adenovirus infection after many of the children diagnosed with the rare liver condition tested positive for an adenovirus, according to the CDC report.


According to health experts, adenoviruses are viruses that medical-research” target=”_blank”>cause<

When asked if there was a connection to COVID-19 vaccines, DiNorcia said, “No. Most of the cases are occurring in children ages 2-5 who have not received the vaccine.”

If a child is diagnosed with this form of hepatitis, the mental-health” target=”_blank”>physician< 

For parents concerned about this mysterious illness affecting their child, the liver specialist offered some words of comfort, “Currently, there is no need to be overly worried. Although there clearly is a phenomenon ongoing, the case numbers are extremely low and severe hepatitis is still extremely rare.” 

The physician said awareness is key. “Ensure children are up to date on their vaccinations. Continue the usual measures to prevent illness such as washing hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth, and avoiding people who are known to be ill.” DiNorcia said if your child has any concerning symptoms, contact a health care provider immediately. 

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