Levin: Biden-lauding Pelosi should trade places with Afghan women; Gens. Austin, Milley 'historical disasters'

Fox News host fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Mark Levin< top leadership as inept brass who will go down in history as “disasters,” and asked aloud whether nancy-pelosi” target=”_blank”>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.,< handling of the conflicts collapse and offer to trade places with Afghan women who fear subjugation by the conflicts.

In a statement this week, Pelosi, called for joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden<” where U.S. women’s rights groups, prevalent in activism during the Trump years, have gone and why they are silent in the face of certain misogynist subjugation in Afghanistan.

“All the people who went after [Justice Brett] Kavanaugh – where are they today? Have you heard anything from Chuck Schumer? I haven’t heard a damn thing from him. The vast majority of the Democrats are either praising Biden or not saying a damn thing. It’s really quite outrageous,” Levin said.

More than 5,000 US troops grounded in Afghanistan Video

Levin commented that Biden spent most of the last several days on vacation at Camp David near Sabillasville, Md., – physically detached from the White House, while his deputy, Vice President Kamala Harris has similarly been out of public view.

“Who’s running the government?” he asked, noting that Biden has refused to take a single press question since he returned to Washington.

Instead, Levin noted, Biden spent Wednesday’s public address “trashing Republicans” and singling out Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over Tallahassee’s coronavirus mitigation measures that defy the Delaware Democrat’s edicts.

“Why doesn’t he treat the Taliban the way he is treating Republicans?” he asked, going on to further question the competency of the defense, past and present.

“As far as General Austin and General Milley are concerned, their departments are leaking to the New York Times – ‘they told Biden and Austin told Biden and Milley told Biden’ – well if you think what is going on is so horrible, and you’ve got a role in it, for all history: for all military history,” Levin said of Gen. Lloyd Austin – Biden’s defense secretary – and Gen. Mark Milley, the joint chiefs of staff chairman and highest-ranking uniformed military officer.

“What happened to those 489 generals, admirals, and national security advisors in both parties who said ‘vote for Biden against Trump’? They’ll go down in history, too,” he said, as nearly 500 military brass past and present urged voters to consider the Wilmington Democrat over the Palm Beach Republican.

Levin further wondered aloud where Trump-era Pentagon brass have been, noting the silence of Gen. James Mattis and Gen. John Kelly.

“I don’t know,” he lamented. “They’re nowhere.”


He further warned Americans that Biden has put the United States in an even more dangerous position than it appears on the surface, with scant if any leverage against the ruthless Taliban regime in Kabul.

“Now they are negotiating with the Taliban, what exactly are we negotiating? What are we prepared to give them? There are really only two ways out of this:  We crush these bastards like the cockroaches they are for a few days and use our military might to expand that area around the airport and tell them, you lay one finger on one hair on an American citizen and will track you down for the rest of the time.”

“Nobody believes Joe Biden has the stomach for that. So what is the other way? To pay them off.”

Levin said the Iranian regime under new hardline President Ebrahim Raisi has likely advised the Taliban that “Joe Biden is a pushover” and that they won’t have to worry about American might as seen under a president like Trump or the Roosevelts.


Addressing American leftists and liberals, Levin disputed that Trump caused the chaos that has occurred under his successor: 

“And for you folks who say it’s a 20-year war, donald-trump” target=”_blank”>Donald Trump<

Levin warned that the Taliban may try to “knock off” Pakistan’s government because it is easier to obtain its nuclear weapons by force than develop them themselves.

He concluded his remarks by offering condolences to the people of Ukraine and Taiwan who see Biden acting “weak” on the world stage, as the two nations continue to pray not to be annexed by American rivals Russia and China respectively.

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