Trump: US must have 'respected' president, claims Biden 'isn't calling the shots'

Former donald-trump” target=”_blank”>President Donald Trump<” interview that joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden< to news from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who told “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Hannity< State Department simply instructed those concerned Americans to log onto the internet, complete a form, and wait for either a text message or phone call.

“[Cotton] said that people are being told to go to a website. ‘Don’t call anymore, go to a website’ like please come and tell me we have a better plan than that,” Hannity told Trump.

Trump: Biden's withdrawal is the greatest embarrassment in US history Video

donald-trump” target=”_blank”>Trump< on “Special Report” earlier Tuesday, Trump disputed the Kentuckian’s claim that Afghanistan wasn’t costing the Pentagon or the American taxpayer as much as advertised.

McConnell had claimed the Pentagon was spending about 1% of its budget “keeping the lid on” Afghanistan and its insurgent groups, while Trump claimed it was much more than that in reality.

“I understand Russia spends $50 billion a year for their entire military. We were spending $42 billion: Not 1%. They were saying 1%. That’s a lot of nonsense,” Trump said.

“$42 billion a year on defending this for years and years… and we get nothing out of any of these things that we do, whether it is them or many other countries.”

Sen. Tom Cotton slams Biden admin's exit strategy from Afghanistan Video

He added that there are military brass including “generals” on the homefront that don’t deserve their posts. Trump however clarified that the bravest of those enlisted continue to be the ones deployed overseas.


Regarding China, Trump said the Xi regime now sees Biden and the United States as weak.

“I think bad things will happen in respect to Taiwan because they don’t respect our leadership and they no longer respect our country,” he said. “And that’s a really bad thing. China does not respect us any longer.”

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