Rand Paul: Coronavirus antibody distribution may be stalled by socialism, other ‘political reasons’

U.S. Sen. rand-paul” target=”_blank”>Rand Paul<, appeared on “Hannity” on Friday night where he discussed the problematic U.S. distribution of monoclonal antibodies that could help protect Americans against the virus.

Paul suggested that with Democrats running Washington, the potentially life-saving antibodies may be distributed according to socialist thinking rather than a capitalistic plan that emphasizes basic concepts of supply and demand.


U.S. SEN. RAND PAUL, R-KY: [You have to] realize this is the difference between socialized medicine and capitalism. Under capitalism when there’s increased demand – and Florida has increased demand right now — you increase the supply. Supply matches demand in capitalism.

In socialism you have political reasons. So it could be that they think there are more deplorable people in Florida — more Republicans or more of the unvaccinated unwashed. And so decisions will be made for political reasons.

But if this were capitalism, and this were going out into the marketplace, the companies would be ramping up production and it would be distributed where it’s needed. It is lifesaving.

We also have to change the recommendations coming from Fauci and the CDC, allow people to take it as an in-patient. You can be an in-patient with relatively good oxygenation – talking, not yet on a ventilator – but they won’t give it to you if you’ve gotten beyond 10 days of symptoms or if you’re an in-patient.

You could have four days of symptoms, be put in a hospital. you still meet the criteria as far as symptoms, but once you cross the threshold from the ER into the hospital, they deny you treatment.

There’s a lot of bad things going on, a lot of lives could be saved if we allow the monoclonal antibodies to be used.


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