Chef Ryan Scott's ultimate Mother’s Day deviled eggs

The Ultimate Mother’s Day Deviled Eggs

Serving Size: 32 ½ Deviled Eggs

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes


● 16 hard-boiled eggs

● ¾ cup mayonnaise

● 3 tablespoons caper juice

● 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

● 1 tablespoon lemon juice

● ½ teaspoon Tabasco sauce

● ½ teaspoon salt

● ¼ cup chopped chives

● 3-4 strips crispy turkey bacon (or bacon)

● Paprika for garnish

● Smoked salmon

● Caviar


1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add eggs. Cook eggs at a boil for 6 minutes and then turn off heat. (I do not start my timer until the water reaches a boil again with the eggs).

2. Cover pot and let eggs sit for 6 minutes off of the heat.

3. Drain water and submerge eggs in ice and let stand for 6 more minutes. (When it comes to peeling eggs, I like to take the egg and roll it on the cutting board to slightly break the shell and then I add the egg back into the iced egg bath, submerged, and then the shell comes off so much easier).

4. Take peeled eggs and slice each egg in half. Scoop out the egg yolks.

5. Combine reserved egg yolks with all remaining filling ingredients, except egg whites, chives, and bacon, in a food processor begin to pulse until mixture becomes smooth. (This is your opportunity to customize: if you’d like it a bit spicier, here’s your chance! If you want more lemon or mustard, add it in).

6. Place egg mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a small round or star tip and pipe into each halved egg white. Garnish with either crumbled turkey bacon, bacon, chopped chives, parsley, a sprinkle of paprika, or the ultimate of Mother’s Day decadence: smoked salmon topped with caviar.

 Happy Mother’s Day!

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