RNC Chairwoman McDaniel: Biden's first 100 days – president's lies can't compete with GOP vision for America

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Joe Biden< alternated between avoiding his failures in office and misrepresenting the truth about his radical policy proposals. Meanwhile, Senator Tim Scott offered an uplifting, unifying vision for our country’s future that spoke to our exceptional nation’s bright future.  

joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden< of his $2 trillion “infrastructure plan” actually goes towards airports, roads, bridges, and ports. Much of the rest goes towards fulfilling joe-biden” target=”_blank”>Biden<

This plan is a $2 trillion tax hike that would destroy jobs and shrink our economy, and it couldn’t come at a worse time. We are turning the corner in the fight against COVID-19, thanks to job-saving Republican-led Paycheck Protection Program loans and President Trump’s historic “Operation Warp Speed” vaccine development program. Businesses and families have suffered under lockdowns for months. Biden and the Democrats want to destroy our economy’s return to normalcy.   

Biden also touted his $1.9 trillion stimulus, which is another Trojan Horse for the radical left’s agenda. Whereas only 7 percent of his infrastructure bill goes towards typical infrastructure, only 9 percent of his $1.9 trillion COVID bill goes towards to directly fighting the coronavirus.

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The bill doesn’t even provide significant funds towards re-opening schools, an issue where Biden has unequivocally failed to follow the recommendations of his own scientists – to the physical and emotional detriment of our children.  


His latest spending proposal will bring the combined total of his reckless spending wish list to $6.1 trillion, alongside the infrastructure plan and his stimulus. That level of spending is eye-popping. And, of course, this latest “plan” includes more job-killing tax hikes. It wouldn’t be a Biden plan without them.

There’s no question that Biden is failing us at home. He’s doing damage abroad, too. By relentlessly pushing an America Last foreign policy, Biden has weakened America on the national stage and bent over backward to appease bad actors like Russia and China.

I find it mind-boggling that since taking office, Biden has talked to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping more times than he has to Leaders Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. I guess when Biden talked about unity and bipartisanship in his inaugural address, he meant with China and Russia – not with the American people.  


That’s right: in case you forgot, Biden made unity a central theme at his inaugural address. He has governed in the complete opposite fashion.

There is nothing unifying about the Democrats’ unprecedented, extreme power grabs, which include attempts to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the filibuster, and strip states of the right to run their own elections through the power grab known as H.R. 1. 

Attacks on long-standing American institutions leave our nation more divided, not less.  


When he wasn’t offering partisan spin, Biden was avoiding key issues where he’s failed the American people. His crisis at our southern border is a perfect example. By undoing common-sense Republican policies that helped secure our border under President Trump, Biden has opened the floodgates.

Border crossings this March were five times higher than last March; those crossing our border include MS-13 gang members and men on the FBI’s terrorist watch list. And yet Biden—and his supposed border crisis manager, Vice President Kamala Harris—have completely avoided accountability for the crisis, refusing to even visit the border. 

It comes as no surprise that Biden’s address on Wednesday night was a dishonest disappointment: given his record of serial failure in office, I’d expect nothing less.

By contrast, South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott’s response was truthful, optimistic, and unifying. Drawing on his incredible life story and impressive record of bipartisan work in the Senate, Sen. Scott effectively laid out a winning vision for this nation’s future.

The Republican agenda, embodied by inspiring leaders like Sen. Scott, is focused on finding common-sense solutions that will carry our nation towards a brighter future.  

On Wednesday night, Joe Biden and Tim Scott presented a clear choice. We can choose radical left-wing extremism cloaked in partisan lies, or common-sense conservative policies defined by patriotic optimism.

I know where I stand, and I’m confident that Americans will agree.   


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