Texas moms outraged over potential for more school closures: Kids will keep 'falling behind'

Two Texas mothers voiced their concerns over potential school closures during an interview on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday, highlighting the fact “learning has been interrupted” since the pandemic began. 

Their remarks come shortly after a neighboring elementary school reverted to remote learning after dozens of children became infected with the virus. 

“We are afraid that our school is going to shut down and we are not going to have a place for our children to go and get their proper education and will keep falling behind,” said Lauren McDonough.


The pair also expressed their concern surrounding other families in the Richardson school district who may not have as much flexibility surrounding childcare options as the possibility continues to loom. 

“I am not as concerned about my personal family. The demographic at my son’s elementary school is the one that has me worried… I am worried about the kids that rely on school breakfast and lunch to feed them specifically at my school,” said Racheal Potter.

“Shutting down school and sending 20% of healthy children home to learn from an iPad just isn’t acceptable.”

More than 1,000 schools across the country start school year with virtual learning Video

Parents across the nation are worried about their children falling behind educationally since at least 1,000 schools have closed because of the pandemic. 

“It’s not babysitting. It needs to be education,” McDonough argued.

The pair attended an emergency school board meeting last week to express their frustration with the possibility of yet another closure, raising questions regarding the potential impacts this will have on families in the district. 

“I am 100% opposed to shutting down schools under the guides of public health,” Potter stated. “What happens if parents can’t keep their jobs? How are we feeding our children? How are we keeping lights over our heads?”

McDonough also voiced her distaste with the school board saying, “Your job is to find a proper place for them to have their education.”

“Get back in your lane and let me be the parent.”


Governor Greg Abbott, who recovered from COVID-19 just a few weeks ago, issued an executive order banning cities and other government entities from establishing mask or vaccine mandates. He reiterated the importance of individual responsibility in conquering the pandemic, while also expressing his support for those who are eligible to receive the vaccine. 

Both McDonough and Potter agreed there needs to be optional remote learning and optional masking for those in the district who are not comfortable, and school officials need to be more transparent when decisions regarding these various policies are made. 

According to CDC data, around 45% of Texans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Meanwhile, around 55% of Texans have received at least one dose so far. 

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