Jenga bus? Car towing 20-foot tall stack of pallets pulled over by police

You’ve heard of the Vengabus, well this must be the Jenga bus.

The driver was spotted on a residential road in Ramsgate, U.K.

The driver was spotted on a residential road in Ramsgate, U.K.

Police in Ramsgate, world-regions., on Monday pulled over a driver pulling a trailer filled with 26 pallets stacked over 20 feet high.

“It caught our attention as the pallets swayed side to side. [Traffic Offence Report] issued for insecure/dangerous load,” Kent crime said in a report on the incident.

Ramsgate is located southeast of London on the English Channel.

Ramsgate is located southeast of London on the English Channel.
(Google Earth)

There were 50 pallets in total on the open top trailer that were secured by just three loose straps, according to SWNS.


After issuing the ticket, the load was properly secured and the driver accompanied by the authorities to his destination, which was just two minutes away.

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