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Jesse Watters: Tyrannical leaders are the bullies of our childhood

Jesse Watters compared the modern left to childhood bullies in Friday’s opening monologue of “Jesse Watters Primetime.” “We like to think that as we get older, we outgrow our torturers, but we really just call them by a different name,” Watters said.  “Because isn’t a tyrannical leader just another version …

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Whoopi Goldberg’s 1993 recipe, ‘Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken,’ for charity cookbook resurfaces

whoopi-goldberg” target=”_blank”>Whoopi Goldberg<. The outlet reported Friday that Goldberg’s recipe entry for the “Cooking in The Litchfield Hills” cookbook featured a step-by-step process for creating the dish with off-color anecdotes in jest.  “Send chauffeur to your favorite butcher shop for the chicken (save the brown paper bag),” Goldberg’s recipe reportedly says. …

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Fox Nation takes a closer look at Ronald Reagan's 'Star Wars'

As the U.S. scrambles to solve rising tensions between world-regions and conflicts, Fox Nation looks back on how former sponsored bravely worked to establish peace and see an end to the Cold War.   Fox Nation’s documentary, “Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars,” explores the negotiation tactics of the former president in a …

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