Betty White's 'Parakeet' Cadillac Seville is an American classic

Legendary American actress Betty White had a thing for American cars.

Betty White's 1977 Cadillac Seville was a gift from her husband Allen Ludden.

Betty White’s 1977 Cadillac Seville was a gift from her husband Allen Ludden.
(AACA Museum)

The late star owned several make during her life, including a particularly colorful one she nicknamed “Parakeet.”

The Seamist Green 1977 Seville was a surprise gift from her husband Allen Ludden that she drove for a quarter-century.

White's Cadillac is equipped with an AT&T mobile phone.

White’s Cadillac is equipped with an AT&T mobile phone.
(AACA Museum)

The loaded sedan features a white vinyl landau top, white leather interior and had a cutting-edge for the era AT&T car phone installed during her ownership.

The well-known animal lover kept the Caddy until 2002, when she donated it to raise money for the L.A. Humane Society. It was later given to the AACA Museum in Hersey, Pa., by owner Nicholas Ferrantino and remains in the collection today, according to the classic car museum’s executive director, Jeff Bliemeister.

The Cadillac is part of the AACA Museum's collection.

The Cadillac is part of the AACA Museum’s collection.
(AACA Museum)

Bliemeister told Fox News Autos that many people have visited the museum over the years specifically to see the car, which is always either on display or available to see on a tour of the museum’s vehicle storage area.


White sent a handwritten letter to the museum in 2012 that said she named all of her cars after birds.

White wrote a letter to the museum about the car.

White wrote a letter to the museum about the car.
(AACA Museum)

“I loved that car so much and it was tough to part with,” she wrote.

“I’m so glad to know where he is and that he’s in good condition. Please give him my love.”

Fans will be able to show their love for White and see the car at the museum on January 16 during a public event that had already planned as a 100th birthday celebration prior to her death and will now serve as a memorial to her life and career.

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