'Ghost gun' crackdown proposal issued by Department of Justice

For the first time since 1968, the justice-department” target=”_blank”>Department of Justice< states. 

National Association for Gun Rights President Dudley Brown said the proposed rule “is a slap in the face to the millions of law-abiding Americans who have built their own firearms at home.”

“It’s a nonsense ‘feel good’ rule that only burdens good people but does nothing to stop violent criminals and gangsters from obtaining guns,” Dudley said. “This is just one more pathetic gun control ploy from Joe Biden as he bows down to the Gun Control Lobby and their unlawful schemes to destroy the personal-freedoms.”


The proposed rule says that from 2016 and 2020, the number of privately made firearms recovered from the scenes of violent crime increased eight-fold, from 1,750 in 2016 to 8,712 in 2020. 

“PMFs are increasingly being made or 3D printed at home without any identifying marks, recordkeeping, or background checks. In turn, these firearms are progressively finding their way to licensees who may wish to acquire them so they can advertise and market them broadly, or who may repair, customize, or accept them as security in pawn for a loan,” the proposed rule said.

Attorney General Merrick Garland says the rule would make Americans safer by making sure that criminals are not able to “exploit a loophole to evade background checks and to escape detection by law enforcement.” 


The ATF is accepting public comment on the proposed rule for 90 days. The department will review the comments and then issue a final rule.

The proposed rule comes nearly one month after joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Joe Biden< to head the ATF, this rule could give a gun control extremist the ability to destroy the American firearms industry,”

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence said the proposed will “save lives,” and commended the Biden administration for its action. 

“Unregulated access to unserialized ghost guns has further fuel[ed] gun trafficking into our communities, perpetuating violence into communities created by years of inequity, racism, and oppression,” Brady Senior Counsel and Director of Racial Justice Kelly Sampson said. “By regulating ghost guns as what they are — firearms, President Biden is reducing a driver of gun violence in our communities and building on his historic funding for community violence prevention. This rule will have an immediate and tangible impact.”

Fox News reporter Morgan Phillips contributed to this article.

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