Black Lives Matter 'awash in White guilt money': Geraldo Rivera

“The Five” co-host Geraldo Rivera showed the true face of Black Lives Matter during another scandal Tuesday.

RIVERA: I think that the real reality came out when [Black Lives Matter] admitted that the group was awash in White guilt money. … Corporations were so afraid of reaction from their employees or their customers that they deluged Black Lives Matter with money. I said before in this program, it reminds me of my street lawyer days in the 1960s. These are poverty pimps. They are people who … pimp out to get poverty money rather than helping the poor.

GUTFELD: I’m more disgusted at the effects that this movement had on urban centers, which were not helped but destroyed, right? And what Geraldo was saying is true, was their kryptonite was you could be called “racist” if you didn’t back the organization. And so you saw cities kind of descend into this crime-infested dystopia because their mayors were cowards, right? And they were too scared of this organization. … But man, … if you look at the cities, they still haven’t recovered. Minneapolis is still a mess and it’s because that was part of the deal, I guess – destroy. 


BLM are poverty pimps: Rivera Video

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