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Matthew McConaughey frightened a woman in an audition by brandishing a spoon to land 2nd ever movie role

celebrity-news” target=”_blank”>Matthew McConaughey<, McConaughey was a struggling actor in Texas who was hungry for literally any work. After his breakout role as the notoriously laid-back Wooderson in “movies” target=”_blank”>Dazed and Confused<, McConaughey reflected on the role as an example of a part that he didn’t initially sign on to do. …

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Halle Berry sued by UFC fighter who claims she was promised a role in her movie 'Bruised': report

halle-berry” target=”_blank”>Halle Berry< fighter Cat Zingano, who claims the celebrity ghosted her on a potential movie role. TMZ reports that Zingano named Berry, 55, after she approached the real-life fighter in 2019 while preparing for her directorial debut in the upcoming movie “movies” target=”_blank”>Bruised< that Zingano was told by Berry …

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