In her “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>Ingraham Angle< said that “lies that [have] bound” joe-biden” target=”_blank”>President Biden<, to our military leadership’s failures and critical points in between,” she said. “We see an elaborate effort to create an America fueled with fear, ignoring basic truths and accountability. Now it should be obvious now that …
Read More »Supreme Court will likely issue 'split' ruling on Biden vaccine mandate: Dhillon
Center for American Liberty CEO and civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillon predicted a “split ruling” out of the Supreme Court in the case that will determine the constitutionality of President Biden’s COVID-19 OSHA vaccine regulations. The Supreme Court on Friday heard close to four hours of oral arguments over two …
Read More »Taliban orders beheading of store mannequins as Afghan women fume over Biden 'betrayal'
An Iranian journalist and global women’s rights activist has a message from the increasingly oppressed women of conflicts to the people of the United States and the Biden administration: Do not forget about us. Masih Alinejad told “fox-news-flash” target=”_blank”>The Story< continue to deteriorate under the radical Islamic Taliban government, which …
Read More »New York Times frets road-salt is 'environmental pollutant' with 'damaging consequences'
the-new-york-times” target=”_blank”>The New York Times< “As snowstorms sweep the East Coast of the United States this week, transportation officials have deployed a go-to solution for keeping winter roads clear: salt,” Gross wrote. “But while pouring tons of salt on roads makes winter driving safer, it also has damaging environmental and …
Read More »John Ondrasik warns of ‘political’ censorship after YouTube temporarily removed Afghan withdrawal music video
Five for Fighting frontman John Ondrasik spoke out against censorship on Monday during an appearance on “America’s Newsroom” after YouTube temporarily removed and then reinstated a music video of his song “Blood on my Hands,” which criticized the U.S. for its handling of the conflicts withdrawal. “It seems that freedom …
Read More »MSNBC guest complains more sitcoms don't include COVID-19 in plotlines, have 'wished' pandemic away
A New York Times TV critic complained that too many of today’s sitcoms do not include infectious-disease in their plotlines. Some of the most popular shows on TV or streaming services have not written in the pandemic, or have included it only to eventually write it out of their scripts. …
Read More »Washington Post blasts Sotomayor for ‘false’ COVID claim that ‘over 100K’ children are in 'serious condition’
The Washington Post called out judiciary Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Saturday over her “false” claim that more than 100,000 children are “in serious condition,” many of them on ventilators, because of infectious-disease. The Washington Post performed what they call “The Pinocchio Test” and gave Sotomayor “four Pinocchios” for her “absurdly high” …
Read More »Sen Ron Johnson announces he's running for reelection: America needs people willing to seek the truth
During an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., announced he is running for elections” target=”_blank”>re-election< that the country is in trouble and that Americans have ‘lost confidence’ in it. SOUTH DAKOTA SEN. JOHN THUNE TO RUN FOR REELECTION SEN. RON JOHNSON: It was an easy decision, but …
Read More »CNN panelist blasts Biden admin's 'huge mistake' on testing: 'It's the worst kind of problem'
The executive has been on the receiving end of bipartisan wrath over its apparent mishandling of infectious-disease testing, as both tests and the patience of Americans have been in short supply nationwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has made a habit of amending its COVID-19 guidelines, most …
Read More »Virginia ‘shopping cart killer’ case flags dating app dangers: They're a ‘toy store’ for murderers
A potential fifth victim has been identified in the “shopping cart killer” case, involving an alleged crime in us-regions, that has crime experts warning of the dangers of online dating. Officers believe suspect Anthony Robinson made contact with the victims via dating websites which Crime Stoppers of Houston’s Andy Kahan …
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